Over in The Lab, I’m doing a series of reviews on front-end frameworks. React was first (Part I, Part II) and AngularJS is next.
As an experiment, I'm going to livestream the AngularJS review. This is a completely free event, so check it out! I'll livestream the review in multiple parts.
Thursday, Sept 18th @ 10am PDT. Part 1: Installing and using AngularJS
Tuesday, Sept 23rd @ 10am PDT. Part 2: Automation and modularity
Thursday, Sept 25rd @ 10am PDT. Part 3: Testing
Each episode starts at 10am PDT (GMT-7) and will last as long as needed, possibly with a break in the middle. My best guess is that they'll be about four hours each. You're welcome to dip in and out as the mood strikes you.
To watch, go to http://www.hitbox.tv/jamesshore. To participate in the chatroom, you’ll need to sign up for a Hitbox account. I’ll announce start and end times on Twitter (@jamesshore) as well. I hope to see you there!