Update: It’s done! If you have any trouble logging in, please let me know.
Persona, the authentication service from Mozilla that we use for login here on Let’s Code JavaScript, is shutting down in November. We’re currently working on replacing it with a different provider. Don’t worry, this won’t impact our release schedule. We’ll continue releasing videos well into the future.
In fact, part of the reason the transition isn’t done yet is that I’m recording my investigation for upcoming episodes of The Lab. Watch this space for an announcement when those are ready. (Or subscribe to the Let’s Code JavaScript RSS feed.)
In case you’re curious: We’ve investigated several auth services. The most promising are Stormpath and Auth0. Neither is perfect, unfortunately, and they have distinct strengths and weaknesses. The short version is that Stormpath is reliable but hard to use, and Auth0 is easy to use but less reliable. (We ended up going with Auth0. Six months later, reliability hasn’t been a problem.)
For security, we never store your password, not even in encrypted form. When we transition to the new service, you’ll get an email with a link to reset your password. Expect that sometime before the end of November.
Thanks for your continued support of Let’s Code JavaScript!